SIMPLE = T / Standard FITS BITPIX = 16 / (not applicable to PHU) NAXIS = 0 / Number of axes in pixel array EXTEND = T / File contains extensions NEXTEND = 64 / from the focalplane def DATE = '2024-04-16T23:07:00' / MST Date of filecreation IMAGESWV= 'edu.wiyn.ODI.pipeline.GraspToFitsV0.2' / Image Creation Software FPPOS = 'xy32 ' / position of detector in focal plane mosaic COMMENT Detector COMMENT -------- NAMPS = 64 / cell columns PRESCAN1= 0 / x prescan PRESCAN2= 0 / y prescan OVRSCAN1= 76 / x overscan binned OVRSCAN2= 18 / y overscan binned PIXSIZE1= 12.0 / pixel size of axis1 (microns) PIXSIZE2= 12.0 / pixel size of axis2 (microns) IMNAXIS1= 4036 / OTA image width in unbinned pixels IMNAXIS2= 4015 / OTA image height in unbinned pixels IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IMage Transform Matrix; a unit vector in the IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / serial (fast) direction of amplifier readout IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / and a unit vector in parallel (slow) direction IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / of amplifier readout CELLGAP1= 28 / cell gap between columns (in unbinned pixels) CELLGAP2= 9 / cell gap between rows (in unbinned pixels) CNAXIS1 = 480 / cell imaging size in unbinned pixel columns CNAXIS2 = 494 / cell imaging size in unbinned pixel rows CCDBIN1 = 1 / column binning CCDBIN2 = 1 / row binning COMMENT Iraf coordinates COMMENT ---------------- CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / row binning DETSIZE = '[1:4036, 1:4015]' / IRAF total image pixels in full mosaic WCSASTRM= 'baseline wcs D. Harbeck Jan 2015' / WCS Versioning CTYPE1 = ' ' / Coordinate type, axis1 CTYPE2 = ' ' / Coordinate type, axis2 CD1_1 = 3.11588947907302E-5 / CD2_2 = 3.11503811254695E-5 / CD1_2 = -4.9413159234116E-8 / CD2_1 = -3.9298844602068E-8 / WAT0_001= ' ' / WAT1_001= ' ' / WAT1_002= ' ' / WAT1_003= ' ' / WAT1_004= ' ' / WAT1_005= ' ' / WAT2_001= ' ' / WAT2_002= ' ' / WAT2_003= ' ' / WAT2_004= ' ' / WAT2_005= ' ' / ORIGIN = 'WIYN Observatory' / WIYN Observatory INSTRUME= '5odi ' / Instrument name FILENAME= 'o20240416T230505.1.32.fits' / this FITS file OBSLOGIN= '' / Login ID for observing GUI OTA_ID = '17231 ' / OTA serial number OBSID = '20240416T230505.1' / Observation identifier OBJECT = 'Bi exposure' / Observation title OBSTYPE = 'OBJECT ' / observation type TEMPDESC= 'Unguided Exposure' / template description RADESYS = 'FK5 ' / Default coordinate system TIMESYS = 'UTC ' / Time system LSTHDR = '12:23:53.33' / LST of header creation OBSERVAT= 'KPNO ' / Observatory TELESCOP= 'WIYN 3.5 meter telescope' / Telescope OBSERVER= 'unknown ' / Observer(s) PROPOSER= 'unknown ' / Proposer(s) PROPID = '2024A-391645' / Proposal ID(s) PROGID = 'WISC-24A-391645' / Observing Program ID TACID = 'NOAO ' / Time granting institution PROPPERD= 540 / Proprietary period of this image RA = '+14:13:22.278' / Telescope RA of observation (hr) DEC = '+52:29:58.967' / Telescope DEC of observation (deg) CRVAL1 = 213.34285833333334 / Telescope RA in dec degrees CRVAL2 = 52.49975833333333 / Telescope DEC in dec degrees TELRAOFF= '-23:59:59.922' / Telescope RA offset TELDECOF= '+00:00:00.62' / Telescope DEC offset TARGRA = '14:13:22.20' / Requested target RA TARGDEC = '52:29:59.00' / Requested target DEC ROTSTART= -174.60244666666668 / [deg] WNIR rotator angle @exposure start ROTOFFST= 0.0 / [deg] WNIR rotator offset @exposure start ROTEND = -173.802395 / [deg] WNIR rotator angle, CW from N; at end of ROTOFF = 0.0 / [deg] WNIR rotator angle offset after exposure EQUINOX = 2000.0 / Equinox of coordinate system FILTER = 'odi_i ' / Filter configuration name in beam FILTERID= 'w103 ' / comma separated list of filter barcode IDs in b FILTDSCR= 'ODI SDSS i' / Filter description EXPTIME = 50.0 / [s] Requested exposure duration EXPMEAS = 50.001 / [s] Measured exposure time DATE-OBS= '2024-04-17T06:05:58.586' / Date of observation start (UTC approximate TIME-OBS= '06:05:58.586' / Time of observation start MJD-OBS = 60417.25415030093 / [d] MJD of observation start ZD = 0.4984995834763133 / Zenith distance AIRMASS = 1.138257399 / Airmass TELFOCUS= 9261.1875 / Telescope focus TRACK = 'Not tracking' / Telescope tracking ELMAP = '1.0734643007142521' / mapper elevation AZMAP = '0.6453864351465143' / mapper azimuth ROTPORT = 'wnir ' / Tertiary port selection FOLDPOS = 'wnir ' / Tertiary port selection OBSBLOCK= 'obsid ' / ID of originating observing block definition DITHERNM= 'SDSS BHMRM WIYN DITHER' / name of dither sequence DITHERN = 2 / number of dither steps DITHERIX= 1 / order of this dither in sequence ADCMODE = 'ACTIVE ' / ADC operating mode TEMPSTAT= 'OK ' / Status of thermal system DEWAR = 'ODI Dewar' / Dewar identification COOLHEAD= 68.293 / [K] Cooling Head Avg Temperature COLPLATE= 150.079 / [K] Cold Plate Avg Temperature FOCPLATE= 170.051 / [K] Focal Plane Avg Temperature DWRWNDW = 0.0 / [K] Dewar Window Avg Temperature DEWPRESS= 1.0 / Pressure in Dewar mTorr ADCANG1 = 0.0 / [deg] Rotation Angle of ADC Prism 1 ADCANG2 = 180.00042091829943 / [deg] Rotation Angle of ADC Prism 2 ADCJD = 'unknown ' / Predicted MJD mid time of exposure for ADC FLTARM1A= 'OUT ' / Status of Filter arm 1A FLTARM1B= 'OUT ' / Status of Filter arm 1B FLTARM1C= 'OUT ' / Status of Filter arm 1C FLTARM2A= 'OUT ' / Status of Filter arm 2A FLTARM2B= 'OUT ' / Status of Filter arm 2B FLTARM2C= 'IN ' / Status of Filter arm 2C FLTARM3A= 'OUT ' / Status of Filter arm 3A FLTARM3B= 'OUT ' / Status of Filter arm 3B FLTARM3C= 'OUT ' / Status of Filter arm 3C SHUTDIR = 'B->A ' / Shutter operation direction SHUTOPEN= '1713333958.586167' / Time stamp shutter open event SHUTCLOS= '1713334008.586984' / Time stamp shutter close event COMMENT Grasp Telemetry COMMENT -------------- COMMENT CELLMODE info COMMENT xy(0,0) S S S S S S S S ------------------------------------------ COMMENT xy(0,1) S S S S S S S S Cell usage for EXTNAME='xy__' COMMENT xy(0,2) S S S S S S S S COMMENT xy(0,3) S S S S S S S S Legend: COMMENT xy(0,4) S S S S S S S S (S) Science data from cell COMMENT xy(0,5) S S S S S S S S (V) Video data from cell COMMENT xy(0,6) S S S S S S S S (F) Floated cell (no data) COMMENT xy(0,7) S S S S S S S S (D) Dead cell (no data) COMMENT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ------------------------------------------ CONTROLR= 'STARGRASP' / Detector Controller CONSWURL= 'https://svn/gpc/repos/sw/branches/u-boot-odi-from-5775' / Controller CONSWV = '6005 ' / Controller software SVN revision CON_MAC = '00:50:c2:64:90:72' / Controller MAC (HW Ethernet) Address CON_IP = '' / Controller IP Address CON_NAME= 'odiG2 ' / Controller IP Hostname CON_DEV = 1 / Controller device number (0 or 1) CON_UP = 26422 / [seconds] Controller up-time FPGASER = 52 / Controller FPGA board serial number FPGAVER = '1.1 ' / Controller FPGA board version FPGATAR = 'GPC ' / Controller FPGA board target system DAQ3USER= 52 / Controller DAQ3U board serial number DAQ3UVER= '2.2 ' / Controller DAQ3U board version DAQ3UTAR= 'GPC ' / Controller DAQ3U board target system PONTIME = 26336 / [sec] Time since last detector "power on" DETPKGID= 727 / Detector package ID DETTEM = 999.0 / [C] Detector temperature COMMENT If DETTEMOV is T, DETTEMP was overridden. Old COMMENT temp. is CDETTEM and new temp. was derived as: COMMENT V = (ADU-B) / (A*32768) COMMENT T = 3369-sqrt[3369^2+1313^2*(13.1*V-1)/(V-1)] DETTEMOV= F / Detector temperature overridden DETTEADU= 4095 / [ADU] Detector temperature A/D measurement DETTCOFA= 1.000 / Coefficient A used in overriding detector temp. DETTCOFB= 0 / Coefficient B used in overriding detector temp. CDETTEM = 999.0 / [C] Detector temperature calc. by controller CELLMODE= 'SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS' / PREAMSER= 17 / Controller Preamp board serial number PREAMVER= '1.2 ' / Controller Preamp board version PREAMTAR= 'GPC ' / Controller Preamp board target system CLV_PPG4= 'fdff:dff7:ff7f:fffd:ffff:69ff:5544:6231' / Coded parallel timings (do CLV_PG3 = '3808:00d0:3307:b070:0681:0410:cc93:0326' / Coded serial timings CLV_PG4 = '1024:4100:1003:b0bc:0901:000f:2732:08a2' / Coded SW/RST/VCLAMP/SAMP CLV_ADC = '1500:7 ' / Coded ADC parameters CLV_MATH= '333301111A' / Coded Math Engine multi-sample processing CLV_MCAL= '1111A1111A' / Coded Math Engine for 32bpp out (readcal) CLV_TRIG= 0 / Cross-trigger phase delay (x 10nsec) CLV1PPG4= '6419:4190:1906:20c8:0c83:6819:5544:6231' / Coded parallel timings (do CLV1O1P = '6419:4190:1906:20c8:0c83:6819:cc44:62a8' / Coded parallel timings (le CLV1O1N = '6419:4190:1906:20c8:0c83:6819:aa22:64c8' / Coded parallel timings (ri CLV1PG3 = '3808:00d0:3307:b070:0681:0410:cc93:0326' / Coded serial timings CLV1PG4 = '1024:4100:1003:b0bc:0901:000f:2732:08a2' / Coded SW/RST/VCLAMP/SAMP CLV1ADC = '1500:7 ' / Coded ADC parameters CLV1MATH= '333301111A' / Coded Math Engine multi-sample processing CLV1MCAL= '1111A1111A' / Coded Math Engine for 32bpp out (readcal) CLV1TRIG= 0 / Cross-trigger phase delay (x 10nsec) CLV_PRES= 3 / Serial prescan, (skipped in addition to CNPIX1) CLV2PPG4= 'fdff:dff7:ff7f:fffd:ffff:69ff:5544:6231' / Coded parallel timings (do CLV2O2N = 'fdff:dff7:ff7f:fffd:ffff:69ff:3322:6451' / Coded parallel timings (up CLV2O1P = 'fdff:dff7:ff7f:fffd:ffff:69ff:cc44:62a8' / Coded parallel timings (le CLV2O1N = 'fdff:dff7:ff7f:fffd:ffff:69ff:aa22:64c8' / Coded parallel timings (ri CLV2PG3 = '3808:00d0:3307:b070:0681:0410:cc93:0326' / Coded serial timings CLV2PG4 = '1024:4100:1003:b0bc:0901:000f:2732:08a2' / Coded SW/RST/VCLAMP/SAMP CLV2ADC = '1500:7 ' / Coded ADC parameters CLV2MATH= '333301111A' / Coded Math Engine multi-sample processing CLV2MCAL= '1111A1111A' / Coded Math Engine for 32bpp out (readcal) CLV2TRIG= 0 / Cross-trigger phase delay (x 10nsec) ADC_ZERO= 0 / ADC skipped: FITS Ext are [adczero:adczero+namp ADC_CONF= '0c8:0c8:0c8:0c8:0c8:0c8:0c8:0c8' / ADC configuration ADC_MUX = '0c0:0c0:0c0:0c0:0c0:0c0:0c0:0c0' / ADC MUX configuration ADC_PGAR= '026:026:026:026:026:026:026:026' / Red ADC pga (adcgain 2.0) ADC_PGAG= '000:000:000:000:000:000:000:000' / Grn ADC pga (adcgain val) ADC_PGAB= '000:000:000:000:000:000:000:000' / Blu ADC pga (adcgain val) ADC_OFSR= '000:000:000:000:000:000:000:000' / Red ADC offset ADC_OFSG= '000:000:000:000:000:000:000:000' / Grn ADC offset ADC_OFSB= '000:000:000:000:000:000:000:000' / Blu ADC offset DAC_SW_L= -4.000 / [V] Summing Well LO dac00=-4000 mV DAC_SW_H= +7.000 / [V] Summing Well HI dac01=+7000 mV DAC_S1_L= -4.000 / [V] Serial 1 LO dac06=-4000 mV DAC_S1_H= +8.000 / [V] Serial 1 HI dac07=+8000 mV DAC_S2_L= -4.000 / [V] Serial 2 LO dac04=-4000 mV DAC_S2_H= +8.000 / [V] Serial 2 HI dac05=+8000 mV DAC_S3_L= -4.000 / [V] Serial 3 LO dac02=-4000 mV DAC_S3_H= +8.000 / [V] Serial 3 HI dac03=+8000 mV DAC_P_L = +0.500 / [V] Parallel and P. standby LO dac14=+0500 mV DAC_P_H = +8.000 / [V] Parallel and P. standby HI dac15=+8000 mV DAC_RG_L= -2.000 / [V] Reset Gate LO dac16=-2000 mV DAC_RG_H= +8.000 / [V] Reset Gate HI dac17=+8000 mV DAC_INIT= 1650 / [mV] DAC internal vref offset voltage DAC_SO = +2.000 / [V] 1st Stage Source dac18=+2000 mV DAC_DR = +24.000 / [V] Drain Bias dac19=+8000 mV DAC_VSS = +0.000 / [V] Logic Low Supply dac20=+0000 mV DAC_VDDL= +8.000 / [V] Logic Drain Supply LO dac21=+8000 mV DAC_VDDH= +14.000 / [V] Logic Drain Supply HI dac22=+7000 mV DAC_OG1 = -1.000 / [V] Output Gate Bias dac25=-1000 mV DAC_RD = +13.000 / [V] Reset Drain Bias dac26=+6500 mV DAC_SUB = +0.000 / [V] Substrate dac27=+0000 mV DAC_SCP = +22.000 / [V] Scupper Bias dac28=+11000 mV DAC_LREF= +0.000 / [V] Logic Reference Ground dac29=+0000 mV DAC_SLL1= +0.000 / [V] DRCSEL L1 (lvl shifters) dac30=+0000 mV DAC_SLL2= +0.000 / [V] DRCSEL L2 (lvl shifters) dac31=+0000 mV DAC_SLH1= +9.000 / [V] DRCSEL H1 (lvl shifters) dac2020=+4500 mV DAC_SLH2= +9.000 / [V] DRCSEL H2 (lvl shifters) dac2021=+4500 mV DAC_CAL0= '-301 -202 -233 -259 -275 -273 -204 -221' / [mV] Pedestal cal DAC_CAL1= '-317 -210 -241 -269 -284 -279 -214 -230' / [mV] Pedestal cal DAC_CAL2= '-317 -221 -245 -267 -296 -294 -229 -247' / [mV] Pedestal cal DAC_CAL3= '-326 -220 -265 -274 -294 -298 -236 -254' / [mV] Pedestal cal DAC_CAL4= '-328 -243 -260 -274 -304 -302 -239 -269' / [mV] Pedestal cal DAC_CAL5= '-346 -247 -272 -278 -306 -298 -244 -278' / [mV] Pedestal cal DAC_CAL6= '-357 -250 -282 -292 -303 -316 -254 -299' / [mV] Pedestal cal DAC_CAL7= '-376 -267 -283 -282 -306 -327 -260 -297' / [mV] Pedestal cal XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy00 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 3521 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 0 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -3521.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[1:480,3522:4015]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334019784' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 0 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 0 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 3304.77 / CRPIX2 = 4071.45 / LTV1 = 0.0 / LTV2 = -3535.0 / GAIN = 1.3 / NOISE = 7.7 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy10 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 3521 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 508 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -3521.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -508.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[509:988,3522:4015]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334019784' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 0 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 1 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 2796.77 / CRPIX2 = 4071.45 / LTV1 = -508.0 / LTV2 = -3535.0 / GAIN = 1.28 / NOISE = 7.92 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy20 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 3521 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 1016 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -3521.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -1016.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[1017:1496,3522:4015]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334019784' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 0 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 2 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 2288.77 / CRPIX2 = 4071.45 / LTV1 = -1016.0 / LTV2 = -3535.0 / GAIN = 1.3 / NOISE = 8.15 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy30 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 3521 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 1524 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -3521.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -1524.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[1525:2004,3522:4015]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334019784' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 0 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 3 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 1780.77 / CRPIX2 = 4071.45 / LTV1 = -1524.0 / LTV2 = -3535.0 / GAIN = 1.25 / NOISE = 7.83 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy40 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 3521 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 2032 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -3521.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -2032.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[2033:2512,3522:4015]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334019784' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 0 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 4 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 1272.77 / CRPIX2 = 4071.45 / LTV1 = -2032.0 / LTV2 = -3535.0 / GAIN = 1.27 / NOISE = 8.3 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy50 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 3521 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 2540 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -3521.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -2540.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[2541:3020,3522:4015]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334019784' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 0 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 5 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 764.77 / CRPIX2 = 4071.45 / LTV1 = -2540.0 / LTV2 = -3535.0 / GAIN = 1.27 / NOISE = 9.68 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy60 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 3521 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 3048 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -3521.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -3048.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[3049:3528,3522:4015]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334019784' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 0 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 6 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 256.77 / CRPIX2 = 4071.45 / LTV1 = -3048.0 / LTV2 = -3535.0 / GAIN = 1.31 / NOISE = 8.48 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy70 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 3521 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 3556 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -3521.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -3556.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[3557:4036,3522:4015]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334019784' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 0 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 7 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 0.0 / CRPIX2 = 0.0 / LTV1 = -3556.0 / LTV2 = -3535.0 / GAIN = 1.34 / NOISE = 8.71 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy01 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 3018 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 0 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -3018.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[1:480,3019:3512]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020170' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 1 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 0 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 3304.77 / CRPIX2 = 3566.45 / LTV1 = 0.0 / LTV2 = -3030.0 / GAIN = 1.31 / NOISE = 7.96 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy11 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 3018 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 508 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -3018.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -508.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[509:988,3019:3512]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020170' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 1 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 1 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 2796.77 / CRPIX2 = 3566.45 / LTV1 = -508.0 / LTV2 = -3030.0 / GAIN = 1.25 / NOISE = 8.09 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy21 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 3018 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 1016 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -3018.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -1016.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[1017:1496,3019:3512]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020170' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 1 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 2 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 2288.77 / CRPIX2 = 3566.45 / LTV1 = -1016.0 / LTV2 = -3030.0 / GAIN = 1.27 / NOISE = 8.33 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy31 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 3018 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 1524 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -3018.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -1524.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[1525:2004,3019:3512]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020170' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 1 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 3 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 1780.77 / CRPIX2 = 3566.45 / LTV1 = -1524.0 / LTV2 = -3030.0 / GAIN = 1.23 / NOISE = 7.86 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy41 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 3018 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 2032 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -3018.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -2032.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[2033:2512,3019:3512]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020170' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 1 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 4 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 1272.77 / CRPIX2 = 3566.45 / LTV1 = -2032.0 / LTV2 = -3030.0 / GAIN = 1.23 / NOISE = 8.33 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy51 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 3018 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 2540 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -3018.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -2540.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[2541:3020,3019:3512]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020170' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 1 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 5 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 764.77 / CRPIX2 = 3566.45 / LTV1 = -2540.0 / LTV2 = -3030.0 / GAIN = 1.31 / NOISE = 10.65 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy61 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 3018 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 3048 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -3018.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -3048.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[3049:3528,3019:3512]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020170' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 1 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 6 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 256.77 / CRPIX2 = 3566.45 / LTV1 = -3048.0 / LTV2 = -3030.0 / GAIN = 1.31 / NOISE = 8.94 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy71 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 3018 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 3556 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -3018.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -3556.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[3557:4036,3019:3512]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020170' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 1 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 7 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 0.0 / CRPIX2 = 0.0 / LTV1 = -3556.0 / LTV2 = -3030.0 / GAIN = 1.29 / NOISE = 8.25 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy02 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 2515 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 0 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -2515.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[1:480,2516:3009]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020347' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 2 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 0 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 3304.77 / CRPIX2 = 3061.45 / LTV1 = 0.0 / LTV2 = -2525.0 / GAIN = 1.27 / NOISE = 8.58 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy12 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 2515 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 508 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -2515.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -508.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[509:988,2516:3009]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020347' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 2 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 1 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 2796.77 / CRPIX2 = 3061.45 / LTV1 = -508.0 / LTV2 = -2525.0 / GAIN = 1.22 / NOISE = 7.94 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy22 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 2515 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 1016 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -2515.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -1016.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[1017:1496,2516:3009]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020347' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 2 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 2 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 2288.77 / CRPIX2 = 3061.45 / LTV1 = -1016.0 / LTV2 = -2525.0 / GAIN = 1.25 / NOISE = 8.31 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy32 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 2515 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 1524 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -2515.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -1524.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[1525:2004,2516:3009]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020347' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 2 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 3 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 1780.77 / CRPIX2 = 3061.45 / LTV1 = -1524.0 / LTV2 = -2525.0 / GAIN = 1.19 / NOISE = 7.71 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy42 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 2515 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 2032 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -2515.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -2032.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[2033:2512,2516:3009]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020347' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 2 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 4 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 1272.77 / CRPIX2 = 3061.45 / LTV1 = -2032.0 / LTV2 = -2525.0 / GAIN = 1.26 / NOISE = 9.04 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy52 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 2515 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 2540 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -2515.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -2540.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[2541:3020,2516:3009]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020347' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 2 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 5 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 764.77 / CRPIX2 = 3061.45 / LTV1 = -2540.0 / LTV2 = -2525.0 / GAIN = 1.29 / NOISE = 10.53 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy62 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 2515 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 3048 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -2515.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -3048.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[3049:3528,2516:3009]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020347' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 2 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 6 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 256.77 / CRPIX2 = 3061.45 / LTV1 = -3048.0 / LTV2 = -2525.0 / GAIN = 1.27 / NOISE = 8.1 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy72 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 2515 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 3556 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -2515.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -3556.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[3557:4036,2516:3009]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020347' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 2 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 7 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 0.0 / CRPIX2 = 0.0 / LTV1 = -3556.0 / LTV2 = -2525.0 / GAIN = 1.28 / NOISE = 8.76 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy03 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 2012 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 0 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -2012.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[1:480,2013:2506]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020448' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 3 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 0 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 3304.77 / CRPIX2 = 2556.45 / LTV1 = 0.0 / LTV2 = -2020.0 / GAIN = 1.27 / NOISE = 8.26 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy13 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 2012 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 508 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -2012.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -508.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[509:988,2013:2506]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020448' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 3 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 1 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 2796.77 / CRPIX2 = 2556.45 / LTV1 = -508.0 / LTV2 = -2020.0 / GAIN = 1.25 / NOISE = 8.22 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy23 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 2012 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 1016 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -2012.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -1016.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[1017:1496,2013:2506]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020448' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 3 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 2 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 2288.77 / CRPIX2 = 2556.45 / LTV1 = -1016.0 / LTV2 = -2020.0 / GAIN = 1.26 / NOISE = 8.43 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy33 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 2012 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 1524 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -2012.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -1524.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[1525:2004,2013:2506]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020448' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 3 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 3 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 1780.77 / CRPIX2 = 2556.45 / LTV1 = -1524.0 / LTV2 = -2020.0 / GAIN = 1.19 / NOISE = 8.19 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy43 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 2012 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 2032 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -2012.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -2032.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[2033:2512,2013:2506]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020448' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 3 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 4 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 1272.77 / CRPIX2 = 2556.45 / LTV1 = -2032.0 / LTV2 = -2020.0 / GAIN = 1.22 / NOISE = 9.27 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy53 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 2012 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 2540 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -2012.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -2540.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[2541:3020,2013:2506]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020448' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 3 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 5 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 764.77 / CRPIX2 = 2556.45 / LTV1 = -2540.0 / LTV2 = -2020.0 / GAIN = 1.24 / NOISE = 10.39 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy63 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 2012 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 3048 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -2012.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -3048.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[3049:3528,2013:2506]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020448' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 3 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 6 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 256.77 / CRPIX2 = 2556.45 / LTV1 = -3048.0 / LTV2 = -2020.0 / GAIN = 1.3 / NOISE = 8.79 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy73 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 2012 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 3556 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -2012.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -3556.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[3557:4036,2013:2506]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020448' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 3 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 7 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 0.0 / CRPIX2 = 0.0 / LTV1 = -3556.0 / LTV2 = -2020.0 / GAIN = 1.29 / NOISE = 8.72 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy04 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 1509 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 0 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -1509.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[1:480,1510:2003]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020564' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 4 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 0 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 3304.77 / CRPIX2 = 2051.45 / LTV1 = 0.0 / LTV2 = -1515.0 / GAIN = 1.27 / NOISE = 8.53 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy14 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 1509 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 508 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -1509.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -508.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[509:988,1510:2003]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020564' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 4 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 1 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 2796.77 / CRPIX2 = 2051.45 / LTV1 = -508.0 / LTV2 = -1515.0 / GAIN = 1.22 / NOISE = 8.4 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy24 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 1509 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 1016 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -1509.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -1016.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[1017:1496,1510:2003]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020564' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 4 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 2 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 2288.77 / CRPIX2 = 2051.45 / LTV1 = -1016.0 / LTV2 = -1515.0 / GAIN = 1.25 / NOISE = 8.08 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy34 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 1509 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 1524 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -1509.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -1524.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[1525:2004,1510:2003]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020564' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 4 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 3 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 1780.77 / CRPIX2 = 2051.45 / LTV1 = -1524.0 / LTV2 = -1515.0 / GAIN = 1.19 / NOISE = 9.75 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy44 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 1509 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 2032 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -1509.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -2032.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[2033:2512,1510:2003]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020564' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 4 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 4 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 1272.77 / CRPIX2 = 2051.45 / LTV1 = -2032.0 / LTV2 = -1515.0 / GAIN = 1.25 / NOISE = 9.25 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy54 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 1509 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 2540 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -1509.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -2540.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[2541:3020,1510:2003]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020564' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 4 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 5 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 764.77 / CRPIX2 = 2051.45 / LTV1 = -2540.0 / LTV2 = -1515.0 / GAIN = 1.23 / NOISE = 9.96 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy64 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 1509 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 3048 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -1509.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -3048.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[3049:3528,1510:2003]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020564' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 4 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 6 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 256.77 / CRPIX2 = 2051.45 / LTV1 = -3048.0 / LTV2 = -1515.0 / GAIN = 1.24 / NOISE = 9.13 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy74 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 1509 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 3556 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -1509.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -3556.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[3557:4036,1510:2003]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020564' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 4 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 7 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 0.0 / CRPIX2 = 0.0 / LTV1 = -3556.0 / LTV2 = -1515.0 / GAIN = 1.26 / NOISE = 9.19 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy05 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 1006 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 0 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -1006.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[1:480,1007:1500]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020826' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 5 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 0 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 3304.77 / CRPIX2 = 1546.45 / LTV1 = 0.0 / LTV2 = -1010.0 / GAIN = 1.25 / NOISE = 7.98 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy15 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 1006 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 508 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -1006.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -508.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[509:988,1007:1500]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020826' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 5 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 1 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 2796.77 / CRPIX2 = 1546.45 / LTV1 = -508.0 / LTV2 = -1010.0 / GAIN = 1.2 / NOISE = 7.93 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy25 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 1006 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 1016 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -1006.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -1016.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[1017:1496,1007:1500]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020826' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 5 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 2 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 2288.77 / CRPIX2 = 1546.45 / LTV1 = -1016.0 / LTV2 = -1010.0 / GAIN = 1.27 / NOISE = 9.13 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy35 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 1006 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 1524 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -1006.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -1524.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[1525:2004,1007:1500]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020826' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 5 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 3 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 1780.77 / CRPIX2 = 1546.45 / LTV1 = -1524.0 / LTV2 = -1010.0 / GAIN = 1.21 / NOISE = 9.26 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy45 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 1006 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 2032 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -1006.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -2032.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[2033:2512,1007:1500]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020826' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 5 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 4 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 1272.77 / CRPIX2 = 1546.45 / LTV1 = -2032.0 / LTV2 = -1010.0 / GAIN = 1.25 / NOISE = 9.31 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy55 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 1006 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 2540 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -1006.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -2540.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[2541:3020,1007:1500]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020826' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 5 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 5 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 764.77 / CRPIX2 = 1546.45 / LTV1 = -2540.0 / LTV2 = -1010.0 / GAIN = 1.24 / NOISE = 10.7 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy65 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 1006 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 3048 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -1006.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -3048.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[3049:3528,1007:1500]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020826' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 5 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 6 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 256.77 / CRPIX2 = 1546.45 / LTV1 = -3048.0 / LTV2 = -1010.0 / GAIN = 1.27 / NOISE = 9.48 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy75 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 1006 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 3556 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -1006.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -3556.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[3557:4036,1007:1500]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020826' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 5 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 7 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 0.0 / CRPIX2 = 0.0 / LTV1 = -3556.0 / LTV2 = -1010.0 / GAIN = 1.26 / NOISE = 9.33 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy06 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 503 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 0 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -503.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[1:480,504:997]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020917' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 6 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 0 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 3304.77 / CRPIX2 = 1041.45 / LTV1 = 0.0 / LTV2 = -505.0 / GAIN = 1.18 / NOISE = 7.89 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy16 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 503 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 508 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -503.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -508.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[509:988,504:997]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020917' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 6 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 1 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 2796.77 / CRPIX2 = 1041.45 / LTV1 = -508.0 / LTV2 = -505.0 / GAIN = 1.2 / NOISE = 8.52 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy26 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 503 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 1016 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -503.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -1016.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[1017:1496,504:997]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020917' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 6 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 2 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 2288.77 / CRPIX2 = 1041.45 / LTV1 = -1016.0 / LTV2 = -505.0 / GAIN = 1.21 / NOISE = 8.34 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy36 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 503 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 1524 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -503.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -1524.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[1525:2004,504:997]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020917' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 6 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 3 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 1780.77 / CRPIX2 = 1041.45 / LTV1 = -1524.0 / LTV2 = -505.0 / GAIN = 1.23 / NOISE = 8.64 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy46 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 503 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 2032 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -503.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -2032.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[2033:2512,504:997]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020917' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 6 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 4 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 1272.77 / CRPIX2 = 1041.45 / LTV1 = -2032.0 / LTV2 = -505.0 / GAIN = 1.19 / NOISE = 8.77 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy56 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 503 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 2540 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -503.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -2540.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[2541:3020,504:997]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020917' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 6 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 5 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 764.77 / CRPIX2 = 1041.45 / LTV1 = -2540.0 / LTV2 = -505.0 / GAIN = 1.23 / NOISE = 9.88 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy66 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 503 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 3048 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -503.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -3048.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[3049:3528,504:997]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020917' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 6 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 6 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 256.77 / CRPIX2 = 1041.45 / LTV1 = -3048.0 / LTV2 = -505.0 / GAIN = 1.24 / NOISE = 9.57 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy76 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 503 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 3556 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = -503.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -3556.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[3557:4036,504:997]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334020917' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 6 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 7 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 0.0 / CRPIX2 = 0.0 / LTV1 = -3556.0 / LTV2 = -505.0 / GAIN = 1.24 / NOISE = 8.75 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy07 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 0 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 0 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334021018' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 7 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 0 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 0.0 / CRPIX2 = 0.0 / LTV1 = 0.0 / LTV2 = 0.0 / GAIN = 1.17 / NOISE = 8.59 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy17 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 0 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 508 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -508.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[509:988,1:494]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334021018' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 7 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 1 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 0.0 / CRPIX2 = 0.0 / LTV1 = -508.0 / LTV2 = 0.0 / GAIN = 1.21 / NOISE = 8.36 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy27 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 0 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 1016 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -1016.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[1017:1496,1:494]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334021018' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 7 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 2 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 0.0 / CRPIX2 = 0.0 / LTV1 = -1016.0 / LTV2 = 0.0 / GAIN = 1.21 / NOISE = 8.53 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy37 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 0 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 1524 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -1524.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[1525:2004,1:494]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334021018' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 7 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 3 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 0.0 / CRPIX2 = 0.0 / LTV1 = -1524.0 / LTV2 = 0.0 / GAIN = 1.2 / NOISE = 8.08 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy47 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 0 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 2032 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -2032.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[2033:2512,1:494]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334021018' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 7 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 4 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 0.0 / CRPIX2 = 0.0 / LTV1 = -2032.0 / LTV2 = 0.0 / GAIN = 1.2 / NOISE = 8.89 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy57 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 0 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 2540 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -2540.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[2541:3020,1:494]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334021018' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 7 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 5 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 0.0 / CRPIX2 = 0.0 / LTV1 = -2540.0 / LTV2 = 0.0 / GAIN = 1.26 / NOISE = 10.27 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy67 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 0 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 3048 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -3048.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[3049:3528,1:494]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334021018' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 7 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 6 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 0.0 / CRPIX2 = 0.0 / LTV1 = -3048.0 / LTV2 = 0.0 / GAIN = 1.25 / NOISE = 8.95 / XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / MEF BITPIX = 16 / data size NAXIS = 2 / number of axes NAXIS1 = 556 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 512 / length of data axis 2 PCOUNT = 0 / pcount GCOUNT = 1 / gcount EXTNAME = 'xy77 ' / extension name INHERIT = T / inherit keywords BZERO = 32768.0 / bzero BSCALE = 1.0 / bscale IMNPIX2 = 0 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNPIX1 = 3556 / IFA OTA image coordinate of amp/cell origin IMNAXIS2= 4015 / IFA image size keyword IMNAXIS1= 4036 / IFA image size keyword IMTM2_1 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_2 = 0.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM2_2 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix IMTM1_1 = 1.0 / IFA image transformation matrix ATM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf amplifier transformation matrix ATV2 = 0.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector ATV1 = -3556.0 / Iraf amplifier offset vector LTM2_1 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_2 = 0.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM2_2 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix LTM1_1 = 1.0 / Iraf image transformation matrix DETSEC = '[3557:4036,1:494]' / Iraf mosaic area of the detector DETSIZE = '[1:4036,1:4015]' / Iraf total image pixels in full mosaic BIASSEC = '[500:556,1:494]' / Overscan (bias) area DATASEC = '[1:480,1:494]' / Imaging area of the detector CNPIX2 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CNPIX1 = 0 / IFA amplifier offset vector CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors HIERARCH WN_READOUT7 = 60765 / from video readout7 HIERARCH WN_READOUT5 = 59169 / from video readout5 HIERARCH WN_READOUT4 = 58372 / from video readout4 HIERARCH WN_READOUT3 = 57574 / from video readout3 HIERARCH WN_READOUT2 = 56777 / from video readout2 HIERARCH WN_READOUT1 = 55980 / from video readout1 HIERARCH WN_READOUT0 = 55183 / from video readout0 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTCLOSED = 0 / from video msecshutclosed HIERARCH WN_NAXIS3 = 1 / from video naxis3 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS1 = 556 / from video naxis1 HIERARCH WN_NAXIS2 = 512 / from video naxis2 HIERARCH WN_MSECSHUTOPEN = 0 / from video msecshutopen HIERARCH WN_PIPELINETIME = '1713334021018' / from video pipelinetime WN_NAMP = 8 / from video namp WN_OTAY = 2 / from video otay WN_OTAX = 3 / from video otax WN_BIN1 = 1 / from video bin1 WN_BIN2 = 1 / from video bin2 WN_CELLY= 7 / from video celly HIERARCH WN_NBYTES = 569344 / from video nbytes WN_CELLX= 7 / from video cellx HIERARCH WN_MSECNOW = 61767 / from video msecnow CRPIX1 = 0.0 / CRPIX2 = 0.0 / LTV1 = -3556.0 / LTV2 = 0.0 / GAIN = 1.22 / NOISE = 8.61 /